Synopsis Research Abstracts
Current and Pending
Title: A Critical Analysis: 21st Century Eugenics and Austerity in Arts, Culture and Society of the Disabled (2018 >>)
Former Research
Title: Socio-cultural, Political and Economic Implications and Evolution of the Parthenon as Artefact, Object and Commodity in 21st Century (2015 - 2017)
- The history and culture of the Parthenon
- Heritage and cultural identity in the iconic
- Migration and appropriation of ancient culture redefined
- Art and architecture as artefact and commodity
- Postmodern and globalisation of art, architecture and artefact
- Cultural impact of globalisation and destabilisation
- National assets and economic decline
- The future history of the Parthenon - Claim or reclamation
To research and develop a series of art that explores both interactive and digital media and redefines the concept and context of the temporality and spatialiaty and significantly to the case model of the Parthenon in contemporary shifts.
To consider the implications of socio-historical and political transitions and migration of art, architecture, object and artifact on parameters of resurgence and appropriation to redefinition formed by technological, disciplines, theories and cultural evolution to be given rise.
The relationship and correlation of societal and media mechanisms that shape the perception, audience and cultural expression.
Title: Visual Language in Arts, Culture, Linguistics and Semiotics in a Technological Age (2012 - 2015)
To establish a cultural critique that challenges the conventional socio-political perceptions and ideologies in a cross-disciplinary approaches in professional creative practices, particularly in the universal applications of Digital Technology, Multimedia and Live Art processes of visual language.
To explore the current debates, ethical implications and diverse technologies of micro and macro systems of cultural paradigms. These by diversified models of visual language, semiotics, signs and linguistics and other modes of expression. Significantly how synergies are formed and convergence in interdisciplinary approaches to realise and effect innovation.
To analyse and develop alternative visual dialogue by the appropriation, intervention and transformation of technological mechanisms and theoretical models to the traditional values of cultural discourse. Where purpose, function and rationale determine liminality and body politics in society and culture.
Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)
m: +44(0)7944141519 (Text only)
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