Friday, 17 September 2021

Masks to Silence / Isolation and Distance (Live Art / Digital Media): Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Live Art / Digital Media

(Left and below)

Title: Masks to Silence
Media: Live Art / Digital Media
Date: 2020
Artist: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(c) Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney 2020

Title: Isolation and Distance
Media: Live Art / Digital Media
Date: 2020
Artist: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(c) Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney 2020

Re: Coronavirus 2020

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Collaboration: Identity, Culture and Lock-down, World Goth Day 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author) and LAS (Artist, Author and Designer)


Collaboration: Identity, Culture and Lock-down
Goth Poetry, World Goth Day 2020 and Lock-Down

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)
LAS: Goth Arts and Culture
(Artist, Author and Designer)

They told you it is a pandemic
You hid in fear of the pandemic
They told you to lock-down
You all went into your prison of lock-down
They told you to wear masks
You all silenced yourselves and put on the masks
They told you to social distance
You all divided yourselves conquered by social distance
They told you to self-isolate
You all incarcerated yourselves to self isolate
They told you to spy on your neighbour
You reported assuming of your neighbour
They told you must be forced vaccination
You willing without question arms out for vaccination
A virus of the masses and why?
A vaccination for the global populace and why?
You need to ask why?

(c) Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney 2020

Where the heart goes
The winds blow
My soul roam in the heavens
Mind perpetual motion
My corpse held in perpetual stillness
In this disingenuous travesty of lock-down
Told it is for your sanctity
While wear their dark legends of falsehoods
You can't keep freedoms will in this shadow box
Light even finds it way into the darkness
Shattering the darkness into blinding light
Information overload
As the winds blow the sands of time
Showing the ever lasting truth
Where the heart goes
The winds blow
My soul and mind in perpetual motion
My feet exalting the ground with sweet serenity

(c) LAS 2020

For more information of the collaborative Artists:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)



LAS: Goth Arts and Culture
(Artist, Author and Designer)


#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations #goth #las #gothartsandculturebylas 

Collaboration: Identity, Culture and Lock-down, World Goth Day 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author) and LAS (Artist, Author and Designer)


Collaboration: Identity, Culture and Lock-down

Goth Subculture, World Goth Day 2020 and Lock-Down

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)
LAS: Goth Arts and Culture
(Artist, Author and Designer)

A project founded on collaboration of shared cultural identity during World Goth Day 2020 where restrictions imposed of international lock-down due to the pandemic. Where the concept of temporal and spatiality of cultural identity and definitions of the liminal are explored.

Title: Goth Subculture, World Goth Day 2020 and Lock-Down
Date: 2020
Media: Live Art and Digital Media
Artist/s: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney and LAS
(c) Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney and LAS 2020

For more information of the collaborative Artists:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)



LAS: Goth Arts and Culture
(Artist, Author and Designer)


#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations #goth #las #gothartsandculturebylas

Guest Artist 2020, Goth Arts and Culture by LAS: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Guest Artists and Practitioners

Guest Artists and Practitioners are invited to share in professional creative knowledge base, collaborations and many varied artistic and cultural programmes.

- Collaborative Interactions.
- Engagement, participation and networking.
- Research and Development.
- Innovation and new modes of expression.
- Diverse creative and professional disciplines.
- Cross-disciplinary partnerships.
- Current, alternative and prospective cultural themes.
- Exhibitions and projects management.

Guest Artist 2020

Goth Arts and Culture by LAS

- Arts and Culture
- Literature and Poetry
- Fashion Design
- Make-up Art and Special Effects
- Jewellery Design
- Violinist

For more information:
Facebook Page:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations #GothArtsandCulturebyLAS #LAS #GothArtsandCulture #GothArts #GothArt #Goth #Punk #Rock #Alternative #Cyber #Art #Culture

Guest Artists and Practitioners: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Guest Artists and Practitioners

Guest Artists and Practitioners are invited to share in professional creative knowledge base, collaborations and many varied artistic and cultural programmes.

- Collaborative Interactions.
- Engagement, participation and networking.
- Research and Development.
- Innovation and new modes of expression.
- Diverse creative and professional disciplines.
- Cross-disciplinary partnerships.
- Current, alternative and prospective cultural themes.
- Exhibitions and projects management.

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations

Art and Disabilities (Covid and Lock-down) 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Art and Disabilities
Coronavirus (COVID19) Lock-down

People with disabilities during lock-down and isolation will face more added problems and necessitate the support of their Carers and the infrastructure. As a friend, family or neighbour keep in regular contact by phone, internet, etc., and ensure they are safe and well. Sign post them to the correct support organisations if required so they have the necessary help during this period of lock-down.

Get creative:

Liaise via internet media and encourage creativity as positive distraction and skills development. Share in artistic expression and stimulate discourse.

For advice on various Artistic briefs applicable to disabilities and content please email:

These briefs tailored to the person's needs and disabilities are free during the transition of the Coronavirus (COVID19).

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Practical information:

For information during this period of the Coronavirus (COVID19) for people with various disabilities refer to:

Disability Rights UK

Scope (Disability Equality Charity)


Contact (for families with disabled children)

Mind (Mental Health)

NHS (National Health Service)


Your Local Authority

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Parents and Children: Art Activities (Covid and Lock-down) 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

COVID 19 (Coronavirus)
Self Isolation and Lock-down 2020

Parents and Children: Art Activities

Creativity encourages neural development, motor skills and problem solving abilities that extend to other key skills as reading, writing, maths and science. Art enables children to process the world about to express emotions creatively and enables critical sensory input. It is fun, engaging and stimulates the child's self development, as well as therapeutic and relaxing for the child and parent.

Self-isolation and lock-down for parents with children can be demanding. It is ideal to plan the day ahead with routines to occupy your children and make it interactive and shared experience for them and yourself.

Parent and Children Art Activities:

- Drawing (portraits, still life, imagination).
- Painting (shapes, tones, shadows, people, still life).
- Printmaking (potato print blocks, hands, string, paper / paint, marble effect oil /water tray).
- 3D Art and Sculpture (newspaper papier mache, biscuit faces, found objects).
- Collage Art (newspaper, magazines, haberdashery, dried pulses).
- Nature Art (garden, rocks, leaves, flowers).
- Face painting (animals, heroes, characters).

Activity Instructions:
The various Art activities suggested 'Activity Instructions' are available from All Art activities can be done in the home environment and as necessary supervised by the parent.

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

The Art of Conversation: Living History (Retired, Covid and Lock-down) 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Retired and 70+ Generation:
Coronavirus (COVID19) and Lock-down

The Art of Conversation: Living History
Arts and Cultural Discourse

Culture is created by society. People from generation to generation. Styles, fashions, trends, art and more evolve around it. The older generation are living history themselves. A plethora of life experience and indeed cultural. In these times of isolation for some in the older generation due to the Coronavirus many may experience anxiety or depression with the lock-down. If you have family, friends, neighbours contact them to ensure they are safe and well, but lend an ear and encourage them to speak of their own life experience. It will not only be positive for them, but for you as well to share in life experience and culture.

For the older generation of your family, friends and neighbours ensure they:

Stay safe and well.
Stay connected.
Maintain their routines.
Be active.
Look after their health.
Support them where needed.

For more information and help please refer to:

Age UKA: 0800 169 65 65

Age Cymru: 0800 022 3444

Northern Ireland
Age NI: 0808 808 7575

In Scotland
Age Scotland: 0800 124 4222

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Mental Health and Creative Expression (Covid and Lock-down) 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

COVID 19 (Coronavirus)
Self Isolation and Lock-down 2020

Mental Health and Creative Expression

Coronavirus has affected all aspects of our lives and the constant news about the pandemic can feel never-ending. Not only is it impacting our physical health but it is taking its toll on some people's mental health too.

It is important every person during lock-down:

- Practise self-care.
- Exercise if you can.
- Set up a friends group on social media.
- Distract yourself constructively.
- Be kind to yourself.

If you are struggling seek help from qualified medical and support groups for advice and do not suffer alone? There is always someone there.

National Health Service
t: 111

Mind (Mental Health Charity)
t: 0300 123 3393

t: 116 123

To help alleviate the isolation to the first five people art materials will be donated and a canvas to occupy their time in creative expression.

For more information please email:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Galleries and Art Buyers - Virtual Private View by Appointment: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

Art Buyers

Virtual Private View

by Appointment

- Abstract Canvas
- Abstract Digital Art
- Portraiture
- Live Art (Stills / Video)
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Conceptual Art
- Limited Editions
- Commissions

For more information please email:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Arts and Education: Virtual Learning (Covid, Lock-down) 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

COVID 19 (Coronavirus):
Lock-down and Self Isolation 2020

Arts and Education: Virtual Learning

During the lock-down and self isolation and particularly with schools, colleges and universities closed to help students to maintain their educational development the following free support is offered via the internet and virtual learning.

Secondary Education (15-16)
College (18+)
University (BA, MA)

Creative and Educational Service (Free):
Art Tuition
Portfolio Review
Art Mentorship
Project Analysis
Art Theory

This free service is during the transition of the COVID19 (Coronavirus) to encourage creative and academic development while educational establishments are closed and students have a window of support.

There are limited places, but to still try and support students. It is encouraged other Professional Artists offer similar support during this period to enable the next generation.

For more information email:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations 

Skin Portrait Series (Limited Editions): Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney

(Artist, Curator and Author)

Skin Portrait Series
Limited Editions

'Skin Portrait Series' explores the concept of identity by form and tonality of skin the edifice of the largest organ of the body. Where ideas of sense of being, touch and embodiment in visual depictions are denoted. The collection has incorporated not simply self-portraiture by the Artist, but other people as subject matters and commissioned over the past 20 years within the context of this thematic framework. As part of this series it is further presented in Limited Edition items where Contemporary Art meets every day objects and attire.

For commissions, acquisition of Limited Editions or bespoke contact for more information:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations

World Poetry Day 2020: Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


21st March 2020

Linguistic and Creative Expression

An annual event, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity's most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. World Poetry Day is on 21st March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999, "with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard".

Exhibition: 19th - 21st March 2020
A collection of words in form, concept and context presented in combined creative expression of a visual dialogue.

Visual Art, Performance and Poetry Workshop: 20th March 2020
Members of the public to share and interact with Artists, Poets and readings in a Performance Art context to encourage audience participation and insight into Contemporary Art and poetry.

Live Art and Poetry: 21st March 2020
A public reading of words and actions interrelating to the visual expressions of words, interaction and performance by creative practitioner.

Runcorn, England.

For more information:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations

International Women's Day 2020: Human Rights Female Genital Mutilation in 21st Century, Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney (Artist, Curator and Author)

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

International Women's Day 2020
6th - 8th March 2020

Humans Rights: Female Genital Mutilation in 21st Century

For IWD 2020 the theme of Humans Rights and Female Genital Mutilation in 21st Century is presented. To explore body and gender politics in context of cultures and diversity of the injustice and inequality experienced by many.

Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) is a global Human Rights issue that impacts girls, women and communities in at least 45 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, Europe and Oceania. It is recognised internationally as a violation of Human Rights, the rights of the child and women’s rights.

Exhibition: 6th - 8th March 2020
A collection of Art set on the theme Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) for IWF 2020. The Human Rights violation, disfigurement and psychological impact on the female condition in contemporary society and culture.

Awareness Campaign: 6th - 8th March 2020

Contemporary Art as media and visual dialogue on the subject of Female Genital Mutilation (FMG). To raise awareness and visibility of females from diverse cultures whom are effected.

Open Discourse: 7th March 2020
To discuss the current global issues of Female Genital Mutilation (FMG). To encourage debate and awareness of the Human Rights violations and inequality women and children face.

Runcorn, England.

For more information:

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)


International Women's Day:

Additional information and support:

NHS Services
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
United Nations (UN)
World Health Organisation (WHO)

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney
(Artist, Curator and Author)

m: +44(0)7944141519

#art #arts #contemporaryart #fineart #artist #culture #liveart #performanceart #gallery #curator #exhibitions #artgallery #painting #abstractart #newmedia #digitalmedia #crossdisciplinary #teaching #author #research #sculpture #installations #commissions #artcollections #fineartbuyers #artbuyers #gaynorevelynsweeney #workshops #tuition #tutor #mentor #artistmentor #research #gabbieagogo #artanddesign #ges #emporium #charitable #collaborations